Conference Calling
You can create a conference call with up to two other parties on your telephone. To set up a conference with more than two other participants, please submit a request to at least 3 business days prior to the conference.
Hosting Conference Calls
You can create a conference with up to two other parties. After you set up a conference, you can place the conference call on hold, split the conference call into two calls on hold, or end the conference call.
To set up a conference:
- Call the first party.
- Press the Confrnc soft key. The first party is placed on hold.
- Enter the number of the second party, and then press the Send soft key.
- When the second party answers, press the Confrnc soft key to join all parties in the conference.
Holding and Resuming Conferences
When you place a conference call on hold, you place the other two conference participants on hold.
To place a conference call on hold:
- From the Active:Conference screen, press the Hold soft key.
- The Hold:Conference screen displays. The other two conference participants are placed on hold.
- To resume the conference, press the Resume soft key.
Splitting Conferences
When you split a conference, you end the conference and place the other two conference participants on hold.
To split a conference:
- From the Active:Conference or Hold:Conference screen, press the Split soft key.
- The conference ends, and all calls are split into individual calls and placed on hold.
- To resume one of the held calls, select is using the Up/Down directional arrows and press the Resume soft key. The other call remains on hold.
- To end the call, press the End Call soft key.
Ending Conferences
When you end a conference, you end your connection to the other conference participants. The other parties remain connected. To disconnect the other parties, first split the conference.
To end a conference:
- From the Active:Conference screen, press the End Call soft key.
- The two other conference participants remain connected.